As usal few update their profiles, well here goes.

A few members know what my reality is like, they also know my likes and dislikes.

Also how hard I work on rooms, thinking of ways to help New Members I always try to find easier ways to show them how move around Moove.

If you cannot find the help you need on my NewMembers Site 

Please contact me


I have had to make a new site as the one I have for PavLana Rooms is getting full on the navigation bar so now there are two sites, there is a link on my Lana rooms site for the 2nd one. Also I have started doing a new idea, a few Members have passed me texture's for making paper, or an idea, so from now I will be mentioning that person  as I have done on my 2nd site  Count Barnabas Collins  I was given a few pictures and well my mind went wild with ideas, and I came up with the room , just click on the Counts name.

So if you have an idea or pictures you wish to be incorpriated in the walls, just let me know, and please I do not charge,

is fun doing.

Make a Free Website with Yola.